Animal Rahat recently facilitated a productive visit by our community-based animal health workers. We selected these bullock owners in villages throughout the region to educate their fellow villagers about disease and injury prevention, promote animal-friendly practices, and get community members involved in Animal Rahat’s spay/neuter and anti-rabies programs for “street dogs.” It was a great success.

10 of these workers came to our Home for Retired Bullocks to learn, among other ways to improve animals’ well-being, how to get their working bullocks to behave properly without beating them or attaching metal torture devices to their yokes.


2015-06.CBAHW workshop at RBH (4)

2015-06.CBAHW workshop at RBH (2)

We ask bullock owners to make these other improvements:

  • To replace cruel nose ropes with comfortable halters called morkees
  • To use grooming as a lure for bullocks instead of yanking and pulling them with ropes (If you have dogs or cats, you might already know that when you hold up their grooming brush, most of them run right over to you. Well, the same goes for bullocks!)

A worker gave it a try on this bullock named Thomas, and sure enough, he came right over. Grooming also increases the bond between animals and their owners and makes the animals more trusting and relaxed.

By seeing firsthand how calm and easily managed these bullocks are—thanks to compassionate handling methods—the workers are motivated to go back to their villages and talk to other bullock owners about the effectiveness of these techniques.