October 2 to 8 is DaanUtsav—formerly called the Joy of Giving Week—when people across India donate their time, money, resources, and skills to help others. More than 2 million people participated in the 2013 DaanUtsav, clocking in millions of volunteer hours and raising millions of dollars in donations.


Giving back makes the world a better place and brings joy to the recipient and the giver alike. If you want to experience the joy of giving this DaanUtsav, why not make a difference in the lives of some of society’s most vulnerable individuals by supporting Animal Rahat? We’ll use your donation to bring relief to hardworking animals by offering rest stations, clean water, critical veterinary treatment, a comfortable retirement for those who have reached the end of their working days, and much more. Or if you’d prefer, Or if you’d prefer, you can sponsor  a donkey, dog, horse, calf, or bullock.


However you choose to give, your kindness will make a world of difference for animals who desperately need relief. May you have a joy-filled DaanUtsav!