Roushya is almost 18 years old and is friendly towards his caretakers. He enjoys rain and starts jumping when it drizzles. He likes the sound produced by the tearing of the tarpaulin sheet that’s tied to the sides of his shed to protect him from rain. He also likes being groomed for 15 to 20 minutes a day by Navnath Hajare, one of his caretakers. He remains quiet while being groomed and likes to be groomed between his horns and on his inner thighs. Roushya always wants to be groomed first and doesn’t like it when his caretaker tries to groom his friend, Houshya (aka “Fallon”), first.

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While his food is being prepared, Roushya sticks his head out of the cubicle and waits until he gets his share of the chaffed green fodder. He finishes his food first and then shares his friend’s food. He enjoys the mineral salt licks, which provide him with trace minerals. Roushya also enjoys eating green grass while lying down. As this is the summer season, he spends most of his time staying under the shed and resting with Fallon. When visitors come to the Home for Retired Bullocks, he immediately starts jumping and running inside his cubicle.

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