Handsome Abdul is about 22 years old and does not prefer the company of the other residents. He is groomed by one of the most experienced custodians for 20 minutes a day. Although Abdul likes to be groomed, the custodian knows that Abdul dislikes being groomed between his horns, on his face and head and on the base of his tail. He is enjoying life without a nose rope and recently made a new friend named Mohan, whom Abdul accepted as the leader of the area that they share. Abdul enjoys resting under a tree by himself and likes to eat jaggery (sugar and molasses) and the tender portion of the green grass. He also likes chaffed fodder and the mineral salt lick.


As he is growing older, we are giving him anti-arthritic Ayurvedic medicine on a regular basis to prevent age-related arthritis. He is healthy and doesn’t have any joint problems, and we want to keep it that way.
