Through the generosity of our wonderful supporters, Animal Rahat was able to provide 1,449 animals with vital medical care last month and came to the rescue of other animals in various kinds of trouble, such as these two adorable puppies, who were tied to stumps in the middle of a field with no one around, no water, and no shade to shelter them from the sweltering sun. As you can see from their lolling tongues, they were baking in the sun and desperately thirsty. Yelping loudly, they were spotted by two Animal Rahat staff members who inquired at a nearby business to find out who their owners were. It turned out that they belonged to a worker who was cutting sugarcane in a field nearby.



Our staffers got his address, explained that this was a dangerous situation for the puppies, drove them home, secured them in a shady yard, and gave them food and plenty of water.

We also rescued three puppies whom we’ve named Suzy, Ruzi, and John. A man had found them abandoned in a drainage gutter near his home and immediately called Animal Rahat. After searching for the puppies’ mother with no luck, we asked the caller to keep the puppies overnight in case their mother came looking for them. But their mother didn’t turn up, so we took them to our Home for Retired Bullocks, where they’re now having a blast. I doubt they’ve ever seen a camel before—and all those bullocks!




But the kitten we rescued last month, Shivani, need not be jealous of these new rambunctious residents. Each day, she grows more regal, as you can see, and continues to charm the staff.