It is currently the hottest season in Northern India, and the hot, dry weather has been taking a toll on animals, including wildlife. After spotting a crowd of people looking at something on the ground, Animal Rahat team members discovered two hawk-like birds called Indian kites who had fallen from a tree. One had already died, and the other was overheated and dehydrated. We kept her for one week and gave her plenty of water and vitamin drops, and after she had completely recovered, we released her in the same spot where she had been found. The photo below was taken right after she was released. We got a local newspaper to cover the story, which spread the message that it’s everyone’s responsibility to look out for animals in need of help and that Animal Rahat is only a phone call away.

2016-04.rescued Indian kite after release

In order to protect as many animals as possible from the heat, we have arranged for new clean water sources for stray animals in six villages. water tank