One misstep recently sent a terrified dog plunging into the trash-filled, muddy water at the bottom of a 50-foot-deep well.

Frantic and confused, the dog splashed through the mud and muck until she found two pipes jutting out of the wall. She hoisted herself onto them and looked forlornly up to the top of the well far above.

Exhausted and soaking wet, she began to give up hope, laying her ears flat and tucking her tail tightly against her stomach. But her bleak outlook changed as soon as she heard the kind voices of Animal Rahat rescuers calling to her from the top of the well.

This dog, drenched in muddy, trash-filled water, shivers as she waits to be pulled to safety.

The rescuers knew they had to act quickly, so they carefully lowered a net and maneuvered it below her. Success! The moment she stepped off the pipes and into the net, the team gingerly pulled her up to safety.

A team member lowers a net to help free the dog from her dangerous predicament.

Once she was secured, rescuers did their best to calm her frayed nerves before taking her to Animal Rahat’s Satara office. She was cleaned up and given a chance to rest before being vaccinated, sterilized, and returned to her village.