One unfortunate misstep left this jackal in a dangerous predicament—trapped at the bottom of a 60-foot-deep well! When a forestry department employee found him alone and frightened, frantically digging a hole in a vain attempt to escape, he immediately knew what to do and  called Animal Rahat for help.

A jackal awaits his rescue at the bottom of a 60-foot-deep well.

After reaching the scene, Animal Rahat’s team of experts and two forestry department employees quickly devised a plan to climb down and rescue him. Rappelling down the often-slick sides of a deep well is no easy task, but without hesitation, an Animal Rahat scout hitched the anchor to the group’s ambulance and began his descent.

An Animal Rahat scout rappels to the bottom of a 60-foot-deep well.

The frightened jackal, however, wasn’t going to be so easily convinced that he was being rescued, so he darted to the other side of the well and crawled into the hole that he had dug earlier. So, the team moved to the other side where he was and attempted to coax him gingerly into a net. Despite their best efforts, the jackal was paralyzed with fear and wouldn’t budge.

So, they sedated him, and after he fell into a peaceful slumber, they carefully extracted him from the hole, placed him in the net, and gently hoisted him out of the well.

The jackal sleeps off sedation after being rescued from the well.

They then moved him to a shady spot where he could safely sleep off the sedation and dried him off with a towel. When he awoke, he happily sprang away toward the bushes, grateful that his dangerous ordeal was over.

Watch the video of his rescue: