One minute this jackal was running and prancing along, and the next she found herself tumbling into a cavernous open well! She desperately treaded water and then managed to scramble onto a small, dry ledge. That’s where Animal Rahat’s rescue team found her.

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One team member secured a rope and rappelled down the well—cautiously so that the animal wouldn’t jump back into the water. He sedated the frightened jackal and then carefully laid her in a net so that the team aboveground could pull her to safety.

Animal Rahat’s rescue team places the sedated jackal in a net and pulls her up to the top of the well.

Before leaving the area, the team spoke with the well’s owner and persuaded him to cover the opening to spare other animals a potentially fatal fall.

The rescuers then brought the sleeping jackal—who was miraculously uninjured—back to their office for a few hours of rest. She eagerly devoured the food and fresh water that they gave her. Then staff from the forestry department joined the team to release her safely back into her home territory. What a story she’ll be able to tell her pups!

This jackal received a hearty meal before Animal Rahat returned her to her territory.