While patrolling the floodwaters in Alappuzha, a coastal city in Kerala hit particularly hard by the flooding, Animal Rahat came across this stranded stray bull calf.

Who knows how long the poor dear was there, trapped and alone without food or clean water, before the team found him.

After a boat ride to dry land …

… he was given a complete veterinary exam and intravenous fluids to alleviate his dehydration.

What began as a horrific week for him is about to end happily: The young bull is being looked after by a kind local volunteer. And even more exciting for him, the team members decided to take him with them when they leave Kerala. He will be spared a life of forced labor and spend the rest of his days as a sanctuary resident being cared for and free!

We’ll continue to keep you updated on the group’s progress as well as the young bull calf’s arrival at his new home. In the meantime, please give an immediate boost to Animal Rahat’s lifesaving work in Kerala and across India by using the button below to donate.