India’s landscape is peppered with large, deep wells, reservoirs, gutters, and drainage pits, many of which are left uncovered. Some are simply too large to cover, and the metal or wood that’s used to cover others is often removed to be used elsewhere. It’s common for animals to fall in and become trapped at the bottom of these pits and wells, some of which are 50 to 80 feet deep. Animal Rahat regularly gets calls from villagers—and even local officials—reporting animals who desperately need the group’s help to get out.

Animal Rahat’s rescue teams are outfitted with rappelling gear such as harnesses, ropes, and helmets and trained to scale even the deepest wells to rescue trapped animals. They’ve saved animals as small as kittens and as large as cows from these would-be deathtraps, using methods ranging from simple buckets tied to ropes to industrial cranes.