Yami and Disha fell down a deep well and faced a long, painful death from starvation—until Animal Rahat saved their lives.

You could barely see them at the bottom of the deep well, but the young dogs were there, struggling to keep their balance on a ledge above the water. Imagine how surprised and relieved they must have been to see an Animal Rahat team member rappelling down to help them!

After lifting the dogs—now named Yami and Disha—to safety, the team drove them to its office and checked them over to ensure that they didn’t have any injuries. They didn’t—what a miracle! They also gave them a big meal and lots of TLC, including gentle grooming sessions, which they loved.

A few days later, Yami and Disha were returned to their village spayed, vaccinated, healthy, and happy. Now that’s full-service veterinary care!

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