

Each month, we persuade more and more owners—including the owner of this buffalo calf—to replace nose ropes with halters called morkees.

Look how happy he is, now that his nose rope has been removed! He keeps touching his nose with his tongue to make sure it’s really gone.



Among the many animals Animal Rahat recently rescued was this dear kitten, whom we have named Shivani. A caring villager notified us that a 3-week-old kitten had been abandoned near a bus stop. We sped to the spot, scooped her up, and are currently taking care of her every need at our Home for Retired Bullocks.

We also rescued this majestic bird called a “kite” who was found disoriented and unable to fly. He was released after we nurtured him back to health.

And this little rabbit’s luck turned from bad to good after a volunteer found her abandoned on a road—where she would have quickly been preyed upon or run over—and took her to Animal Rahat. She has since been adopted by one of our staff.



In a terrific example of community involvement and synergy, a volunteer asked Animal Rahat how he could use the occasion of Shivaji Jayanti—a prominent holiday in Maharashtra—to promote kindness to animals. Since there were very few public water troughs in his village, we suggested that he install some for local animals. Taking our suggestion and running with it, this wonderful volunteer donated 11 troughs (pictured above), which will be installed throughout his village. This will be a huge boon to the animals in his town, now that summer has begun in India.

Through the generosity of our caring supporters, Animal Rahat makes a difference in the lives of thousands of vulnerable animals every year. Thank you for your compassion.