Animal Rahat traveled to the Kartiki Fair, where thousands of horses and bullocks are sold, to provide veterinary care and carry out educational outreach to the fairgoers. The performers in the photo below are actors we hired to perform a street play at the fair about treating bullocks humanely. The cart owners are illiterate, so these performances are extremely popular and really help convey our messages about animal care.

2014-11.Kartiki fair street play3

We also erected several billboards at the fair with warnings—and with visual depictions understandable to the illiterate—about dangerous practices such as the use of ill-fitting yokes, which can cause painful abscesses and make the bullocks’ lives even more miserable.

On behalf of the Animal Rahat family, thank you for being a true friend, helping us to provide for animals in need, and bringing a bit of comfort into their lives.