This image shows a sad bullock walking in a tight circle.

Day after day, from sun-up to dusk, this poor bullock was forced to go around and around in a tight circle.

Sugar cane juice is a delectable treat, but there’s nothing sweet about being condemned for life to power a device that crushes raw cane.

Staffers saw this bullock’s head and ears droop down and pointed out his sad body language to the owner. Shrugging it off, he declared watching the bullock turning the wheel attracted people walking by. Rejecting the team’s attempts to evoke empathy and retire the tortured soul, the owner got angry when they mentioned there are electric machines available. Determined to save the animal from this hellscape and appeal to the man’s heart, the team persisted. This bullock is now off the job, thanks to Animal Rahat’s “never say never’” attitude and this shiny new machine:

This image shows an electric sugar cane crushing machine.