After a kind man noticed a dog struggling with a large porcupine quill stuck in his nose and was unable to remove it himself, he called Animal Rahat for help.

The team members arrived and quickly caught and sedated the dog, named Partha. After realizing how deeply embedded the quill was, they immediately took him back to the office.

This dog was found with a long, thick porcupine quill deeply embedded in his nostril.

Animal Rahat’s expert veterinarians carefully removed the quill and discovered that it was more than 8 inches long! Nearly 5 inches of the quill were painfully lodged inside Partha’s nostril—he is extremely fortunate that he experienced only minor abrasions and no serious internal damage.

Upon removal, the quill is measured at more than 8 inches!

The quill is placed next to the dog’s face to show how deeply embedded it was.

Once the quill is removed, Partha is neutered and vaccinated.

After the quill was removed, Partha was vaccinated and sterilized. He spent the night at the office to recover, receiving food, fresh water, and lots of affection from the staff during his stay. The next day, he was returned to his village in much better shape than he’d been in when he left it.

After he’s fully recovered, Partha is lovingly groomed by Animal Rahat staff.

The dog is given affection before being transported back to the area in which he was found.