Gabru is almost 20 years old, and he shares a cubicle with two of his friends, Thomas and Khillaria. He likes to be groomed, particularly on the wither and spine region, for 15 to 20 minutes a day by one of this caretakers, Navnath Hajare, but he doesn’t like to be touched on his face or horns. He allows other caretakers to approach him. Gabru gets annoyed if food is offered to his friends first, as he likes to be offered the grass and wheat bran first. He doesn’t like the mineral salt lick and licks the brick only occasionally. After finishing his share of concentrate feed, he immediately rushes towards his friends’ feed tubs. When the caretaker cuts branches off the neem tree, which is inside Gabru’s cubicle, in order to feed the camel, Gabru also eats the leaves.


In the morning, Gabru plays with Thomas. During the day, they engage in social grooming. Gabru likes to lie down and rest in the shade and likes to stand under the tree and the shed. He exhibits friendly behaviour towards his neighbours in the adjacent cubicle, Zendya and Nishan, and does not attack them anymore. He dislikes the general health check-up and tries to escape and attack the caretakers.


Gabru now lives at our beautiful new sanctuary. Please support the completion of the sanctuary and help provide its animal residents with the long-term care that they need!