It was clear that Sangeeta was suffering.

The neglected pony had large, painful, open wounds on her head and thigh. But it wasn’t just her own injured body or where she’d find her next meal that she had to worry about. She also had her foal to take care of.

Sangeeta chews fresh green grass. The wounds on her head and thigh are visible.

Sangeeta withstood attacks by aggressive male ponies that had left her wounded and bleeding.

Someone out for a morning walk spotted her and her foal and immediately called Animal Rahat for help.

A team rushed to the scene and, despite attacks from other ponies nearby, managed to get both ponies to a safe place where Sangeeta’s wounds could begin being cared for.

Her injuries were extensive, and the team knew she wouldn’t get the care that she needed if she were left on the street. So Animal Rahat staff brought her and her foal back to the office to continue the treatment.

Animal Rahat veterinary staff treat the wound on Sangeeta's head as her foal looks on.

Animal Rahat veterinary staff treat the wound on Sangeeta's thigh.

An Animal Rahat staff member feeds Sangeeta and her foal a hearty, nutritious meal.

After a week of tending to Sangeeta’s many needs, the team carefully loaded the pair of ponies into a truck and transferred them to Animal Rahat’s sanctuary to begin new lives free from hardship.

Sangeeta and her foal ride in the back of a truck to their new home at Animal Rahat's sanctuary.

Now Sangeeta and her baby don’t have to fend off aggressive animals, search for scraps of food, or suffer from untreated injuries or illness. Instead, they have lots of room to run and play with the other sanctuary residents, shelter from the sun and inclement weather, and access to excellent medical care, nutritious food, and fresh water. And isn’t that the kind of life that every animal deserves?

Sangeeta and her foal stand with Animal Rahat staff in front of the sanctuary's welcome sign.