Three puppies who had made the straw covering of a well their bed (likely in an attempt to stay warm on a chilly night) found themselves tumbling to the bottom when it suddenly gave way. There they remained without food or water until Animal Rahat rescuers were called to help. By that time, one had already died and the other two were so emaciated and lifeless that they couldn’t even cry out or lift their heads.
The team rushed to put the siblings on fluids, but one was so weak that he couldn’t be saved. When the determined surviving puppy made it through her first night, staff grew hopeful that she would make a full recovery. After several weeks of around-the-clock care, the lone survivor—now named Karuna—went from fighting for her life to frolicking with her new friends! Here she is (right), bonding with her best friend Tuffy at the Ranapur sanctuary, where caretakers will provide her with everything she needs to remain happy and healthy for the rest of her life.