This image shows Animal Rahat at a railway station transporting a dog they had gently secured in a net.
Animal Rahat took over this railway station and several other spots around Maharashtra to sterilize and vaccinate village dogs.

Animal Rahat has the ambitious goal to sterilize and vaccinate 100% of the dog population in 10 villages this year—that’s around 1,000 dogs! This program began in 2014, and the group has developed a foolproof model of rounding up, sterilizing, and vaccinating often wary dogs. Since then, the program has been adopted in 43 villages across Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh, and staff have sterilized and vaccinated 4,230 dogs, who will not be contributing to the homeless-animal and rabies crises in India. The team also recently conducted clinics in a few villages around Maharashtra, sterilizing and vaccinating more than 100 animals!