This image shows the donkeys who are at Animal Rahat’s sister sanctuary.
These wonderful donkeys are some of the hundreds of rescued animals Animal Rahat is fervently working to relocate after the only safe home they’ve ever known was declared a protected elephant corridor.

The Supreme Court of India has issued an order to move all domesticated animals out of a nearly 5,000-acre elephant corridor, meaning that the group hasn’t much time! The donkeys, goats, horses, ponies, and other retirees who have lived at its sister sanctuary since Animal Rahat and PETA India rescued them over the course of many years must now go to other sanctuaries, as the corridor runs through their home. Crews have erected a 90-foot shed at the fairly new sanctuary in Gundlupet, but monsoon rains have made it difficult to find the necessary materials and additional workers to finish everything. New water and feed troughs have been built, and the high fences are being reinforced to protect the animals from the stunningly beautiful but sometimes hungry big cats roaming nearby: the leopards and tigers who live in the protected lands next door. Your generous support is what makes this sudden, challenging move possible, and the group hopes to give you updates on how the animals are adjusting to their new surroundings in its next report.

Please help Animal Rahat pull off the great big move of 2023 and provide care for the thousands of animals its work benefits each month.